Sun 12 Jan
▀▀▀▀ ❤ THE ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ CANDY ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ STORE ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ IS ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ NOW ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ O - 25
(Lancaster, Lancaster Pa InCalls Only rt 30)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
🔹Swing On Over My W@y🔹I'm Sure 2 Brighten Up This Blustery D@y🔹 - 47
((Rt 30 east) near Outlets, Lancaster)
West Rt30 Lancaster mon tue wed ♡Abby♡ (Half 80)(Hour 150) NEWSEXY Pics on - 23
(Lancaster, RT 30 Lancaster Incall)
Princess Passion and Pleasure 50quikspecial 100hhr 150hr - 23
(Lancaster, Lancaster,Harrisburg,York RT.30 East)
Wed 08 Jan
💜💜💛💛 --- Specials --- 💜💜💛💛 --- LEA COSTA RICAN BOMBSHELL --- 💛💛💜💜 --- 💛💛💜💜 --- - 20
(Lancaster, Lincoln highway rt 30)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
★¨*: • { SWEET } •:*• ☆ ¨*:• { SEXY } • :*★¨*: •{ Blonde }•: *¨•☆*:• - - 31
(Lancaster, Lincoln hwy rt 30 InCalls only)
♔•°★•°o [✔] VerY SeXY [✔] AVAiL: 24/7 [✔] UNFoRGeTABLe MeMORieS°•★ ♥♥ - 21
(Lancaster, INCALLS rt 30 OUTCALLS everywhere :))
46 DDD-light💕For The Stressed / Over Worked & Up Tight💕I Can Rub Your Body Right💕 - 45
(Available Now (in calls only) Rt 30 East, Lancaster)
Sun 05 Jan
♔•°★•°o [✔] VerY SeXY JAmaCiaN gODdeSs & WHiTe BeAUtY✔] AVAiL: 24/7 [✔] UNFoRGeTABLe MeMORieS°•★ ♥♥ - 21
(Lancaster, INCALLS rt 30 OUTCALLS everywhere :))
Rt30 LANCASTER Leaving Thurs AM ♡Abby♡ (Half 80) NEWSEXY Pics on HANOVER on Thurs Eve - 23
(Lancaster, RT 30 Lancaster Incall)
July SpeCiaLs 💙💙💦💦 --- 💙💙💦💦 --- BiG BoOtY LaTiNA --- 💙💙💦💦 --- 💙💙💦💦 - 20
(Lancaster, Lincoln highway rt 30)
Exotic Russian Puerto Rican and Chinese BBW Beauty New In Town!!! - 23
(Lancaster, Lancaster,Harrisburg,York RT.30 East)
Sat 04 Jan
♥♥SuPeR SeXxi EXxotic BuStY PlaYmATe♥..Visiting Tues 8/19 Wed 8/20♥ Sydney 610 969 9107 - 36
(Lancaster, Incall..west of lancaster...Rt 30)
Fri 03 Jan
Rt30 LANCASTER Leaving at 11AM ♡Abby♡ (Half 80) NEWSEXY Pics on - 23
(Lancaster, RT 30 Lancaster Incall)
2 Girl Special InCall only ask about my quikie60 and 100 Special - 25
(Lancaster, Lancaster,Harrisburg,York RT.30 East)
Thu 02 Jan
☆ = • • ❥ -- PUERTO RICAN- SEXY- HOT - LATINA ☆ = • • ❥ SEXY! 1OO% REAL - 23
(Lancaster, rt 30 Lincoln hwy)
{LET} °o©• {MY} °o©• {BODY} °o©• {DO} °o©• {THE} °o©• {TALKING } ° Special treat - 22
(Lancaster, Lancaster/ rt 30/ ronks)