Sun 12 Jan
You can have this dream girl once in a lifetime experience - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, 10 minutes away)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*: - 24
Sat 11 Jan
:¦:-S i N F U L L ¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ S € D U C † i V € ~*-:¦:-*~ DANGEROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-*★ _ ADDICTING - 20
(Lancaster, Lincoln highway route 30 incall only ☺☺☺)
•♥• [ Sexy ] •♥• [ Playmate ] •♥• [ SWEET ] •♥• [ CLASSY ] •♥• - - - 28
(Lancaster, your place (house or hotel))
❤UNRUSHED & UNFORGETABLE** Hand Crafted GODDESS!FlaWLEsS BeSt QuaLitY ServiCe!I Outcalls Onlyღ*❤*ღೋ* - 22
Fri 10 Jan
♛♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛♛[☆] DeLiCiOus [☆][☆] ♛♛ [☆][☆] SwEet & PeTitE [☆]♛♛1000% ME!![☆]♛[☆]♛ - 22
(Lancaster, OUTCALLS ONLY :))
The Girl Mom Warned You About.... Is All Grown Up Now! - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, In the city)
🍦Wild Wednesday specials!! 🎉💋A mouth to fill your every desire.💄 REAL 38DDS👅! - 25
(Lancaster, Lancaster OUTCALL!!)
Thu 09 Jan
Cute College Co-ed, Party Girl for Good Times! - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, anywhere you want me!)
Visiting! Ts India 10 LONG& STRONG! {Love2Party} SEXXI SheMALE.. Ready 4Action!! Available 24/7 - 23
(Lancaster, Lancaster /Available now(PaRtyGiRL!!))
~*~* You Whooo READING BOYS....leaving SUNDAY by 1pm LET'S PLAY ~*~* - 37
(Reading, Reading Incall/5th street READING/POTTST)
IN PHL NOW Looking for clean,discreet gentleman appreciative of my VERY unique and special gifts! - 27
(Allentown, Center City, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, Lancaster, Manayunk, North, Philadelphia, Reading, South, Southwest)
Wed 08 Jan
Let me come to you and show you a good time - 21
(Lancaster, Lancaster mtjoy Strasburg surroundings)
SO BUSTY Natural |||||| |||||| LATIN INDIAN Mixed ||||| HOT GIRL W/ All Thy Right Curves - 27
(Center City, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Olney / Oak Lane, OUTCALLS ONLY YOU MUST HOST, Philadelphia, Reading)
💋💋Lancaster's Lusious Loveable Lesbian couple. 🔥👄🔥 2 BBW (big where it counts)better than 1👯👯 - 32
(Lancaster, Lancaster, Lincoln Highway)
Tue 07 Jan
▁▁▂▂▃▃▄▄▄▄❤❤❤❤ LET THiS SEXY BaBe EnLiGhTeN YOU! ❤❤❤❤▄▄▄ FoR THiS Sweet N SEXY FReAkY FRiDAY! - 20
(Lancaster, at your place of Discretion)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
FETISH friendly, available NOW!!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
Mon 06 Jan
♡♥♡ Smoking hot Italian Izabella is here in York ♥♡ OUT CALL ONLY ♡♥ real pix ♡♥ 646#919#7349 - 21
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, In town)
1 BeAuTiFuL BrUnEtTe lOoKiN tO tAkE yOu FrOm OrDiNaRy.....To ExTrOdInArY - 21
(Lancaster, incall/outcall)
Bella Christina__*__ Busty Exotic Beauty__*__ BaBe!! - 28
(Lancaster, 717-222-7301-Outcalls & Incalls)
👅💦👅 CLIcK HeRe! 👅💦👅❤NeW ⏳ViSiTiNg⏳NeW❤AvAiL ⬛⚠⬛HeArT ⭐💙⭐⬛⚠⬛ StOpPeR ⬛ ⬛ BlOOd💉⬛⚠⬛ PuMpEr ⬛⚠⬛ - 22
(Philadelphia, ❤TREVOSE/BucksCounty/VISTING ONLY❤)
Italian Beauty looking to make your dreams a reality! - 35
(Lancaster, Lancaster and surrounding areas)
☆· .D_A_N_G_E_R_O_ U_S_L_Y ·.♥ ¯* A_D_D_i_ C_T_I_N_G ☆♥█ - 20
(Lancaster, Lincoln Highway Route 30 incalls/Out)
Beautiful Exotic Playmates - 25
(Allentown, Chambersburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Poconos, York, outcalls)
610-507-2103 !Beautiful, Blonde & Bubbly Jennifer available Mon-Fri 10a-10pl - 32
(York, your home,office,hotel)
💕 Come on and dance with me!! 💕 - 22
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, everywhere)
Sun 05 Jan
* * * * T H E »- (¯`❈´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E * * * - 20
(Lancaster, OUTCALLS ONLY)
💕💦New In Town💕Sweet & Sexy💦Italian goddess 🎀 24/7 in&out;💦 💕 - 24
(Philadelphia, Valley Forge ...King of purssia.)
♔•°★•°o [✔] VerY SeXY JAmaCiaN gODdeSs & WHiTe BeAUtY✔] AVAiL: 24/7 [✔] UNFoRGeTABLe MeMORieS°•★ ♥♥ - 21
(Lancaster, INCALLS rt 30 OUTCALLS everywhere :))
██ GRAND OPEN ██ —————— SeXiest Asian Girls —————— Luxurious Space and Servi - 21
(Reading, East MIDTOWN ___________ 30's Street)
★★ • • • • • • ★( HOT) ( ★ )———( ★ )( N A U G H T Y) ( ★ )———( ★ )( K I N K Y) ★ • • • • • • ★★ - 21
★ALL NEW★ JEWELZ (443-206-0175) ◇◆ Sweet & Sexy ◆◇ IN & OUT C@LL ◆◇ 100% REAL PHOTOS ◆◇ - 21
(Lancaster, Lancaster & Surrounding Areas)
Friend with Benefits and a Married Mans Best Kept Secret!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, anywhere you want me!)
Sat 04 Jan
♡♡♡New To Town New To Escorting♡Come Meet Lancasters Newest Edition To Town♡♡♡ - 25
(Lancaster, Incall/Outcall)
NeW ♥—[[ GoRGeouS ]] —— bRuNeTTe —— [[ OPEN MiNDED ]] —— [[ SPECIALS ]] - 21
(Harrisburg, incall/outcall)
2 Sexy Reddbones; LotusFlowerBomb & Tati Love *Serious Inquiries Only! - 20
(Lancaster, Lancaster, PA)
🌟 Angela 🌟Naughty By Nature☎ 443-480-2649 ☎ *☆ ☆ SPEC@IALS ☆ ALL Day LONG ☆*▄LONELY & WAITING*☆ - 23
(Lancaster, Lancaster , oxford , Reading , PA)
"EXOTIC BRUNETTE B E A U T Y *° —A—v—A—i—L —a—B—l—E— °*•—•*° —R—i—G—h—T — °*•—•*° —N—o—W—° - 21
(Lancaster, incall/outcall)
♠🎲 20+ T3R Reviews ♦🎲 Why Keep GAMBLING? ♣🎲 When you SEE me ♦🎲 You'll KNOW you ♠🎲 hit the JACKPOT 🎰 - 23
(Incall ~ (after 3pm Daily) ~ Up Late, Lancaster)
Fri 03 Jan
New Years Specials. > 717-614-7483. outcall to you..
(Altoona, Chambersburg, Lancaster, Penn State, Reading, York, outcallallareas)
❤New Dream Date UNRUSHED & UNFORGETABLE** Hand Crafted GODDESS!FlaWLEsS QuaLitY ServiCe!I ღ*❤*ღೋ* - 22